Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care

Independent Sector - We are recruiting!

What is the Independent Sector?

An Independent Sector Healthcare Provider is a private sector healthcare company that is contracted by the NHS in the provision of healthcare or in the support of the provision of healthcare. 

Dumfries and Galloway have a range of private sector health companies operating in the region, delivering services in care homes, care at home and specialist units.

Staffing levels across Health and Social Care are being impacted, as staff are still having to isolate due to Covid and new posts are being created to deal with an increase in care packages. Now more than ever, we are asking our community to find out more about careers in care, particularly in our private sector companies. 

Please find a selection of vacancies below from some of our independent sector partners looking to recruit:

Is Support work right for me?

We think it takes a special person to be able to care for others and to consistently display the values and attributes listed. 

Support work is not just about personal care, although this is a key aspect of the job. It is about allowing the client you support have access to a friendly, kind and respectful individual who will allow them to live with dignity. Its being empathetic to the fact that sometimes you may be the only person to visit them that day and giving them an ear to listen to their stories whilst working often does more for their wellbeing.

If you or your family and friends recognise these values in you then we think you will be excellent and should think about applying. If you are not sure then use some of the resources below to help you decide.

Able to listen 
Able to show patience

Four great resources to aid your decision


Click on the image above to read some fantastic case stories about what it is like to work in health and Social care posts. 


Video Courtesy of Department of Health & Social Care


If you are not sure if you have the right values or attributes to work in care then why not take a quick quiz to see if care is right for you
