Dumfries and Galloway Specialist CAMHS
Self Referral Form
CAMHS will accept referrals from anyone who knows the child or young person.
If you are over 12 years old, you may want to refer yourself. Or you can ask a parent / carers / professional to make a referral for you, but you will need to give your permission for this. You should fill out our Self Referral Form with as much information as you can. If you are under 12 years old then a parent/carer/professional will need to complete the referral with you.
If we think we might be the best service to help you, then; we will offer you a first assessment appointment. We might then sign post you to other services, offer brief help or provide specialist help depending on the difficulties you are experiencing.
Before I refer to CAMHS?
- Remember that CAMHS is specialist NHS provision offering a service for children and young people up to the age of 18 and their families who are experiencing persistent, mental health difficulties that are significantly affecting their day-to-day life.
- If you are a young person, have you talked to anyone at Home or School?
- If you are a Parent/Carer, and your child is over 12 years old, have you got their consent for making this referral?
Go to the Neurodevelopmental Assessment Service, if you are wanting to make a referral request into this service. Please do not complete the below self referral form.