IN-PERSON drop-in events planned as part of the consultation on options for four cottage hospitals in the region will have to be postponed until after the newly-announced General Election.
Rules around the Pre-Election Period mean that gatherings such as those planned for Moffat on May 30 are not able to go ahead in the run-up to July 4th, and we are not permitted to promote the consultation during this time.
Director of Strategic Planning and Commissioning David Rowland said: “A consultation on behalf of Dumfries and Galloway Integration Joint Board on options for cottage hospitals in Moffat, Thornhill, Kirkcudbright and Newton Stewart began last Friday May 17.
“A total of 15 in-person events taking place across the region had been scheduled and promoted, but rules around the period leading up to a General Election now mean that these cannot go ahead.
“None of these drop-in sessions will now take place before July 4. And while the consultation itself won’t be promoted when the ‘Pre-Election Period’ begins on Saturday May 25, all the materials including the online survey and downloadable forms will continue to remain available at the website
“We will look to be able to pick up activity immediately after the General Election, and provide an update on consultation plans, hoping in the meantime that everyone will appreciate the requirement to comply with the rules which accompany periods in the run-up to elections.
“As of 22 May 2024, we had already received 99 completed surveys. We are extremely grateful to everyone who has contributed thus far and want to reassure them that the views they have offered will be shared with the IJB as part of our analysis of the feedback received during consultation.
“All completed surveys received during the Pre-Election Period and those submitted once we return to active consultation will also be included in that analysis.
“At that point consideration will be given to what extension may be required to the consultation period – so as to be able to accommodate rescheduled in-person drop-in events.”