Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care

IJB voices backing for Galloway Community Hospital

* sub-committee recommends plans instead of review
* progress in stabilising workforce
* services must be delivered within budget

A PLAN in support of service provision at Galloway Community Hospital has been requested by health and social care leaders – describing the Stranraer facility as a ‘key part of the local healthcare estate’.

On Tuesday, Dumfries and Galloway Integration Joint Board issued that direction to NHS Dumfries and Galloway, setting out desired outcomes including reduced locum and agency use, and services operating within budget.

Speaking after the meeting, IJB Chair Andy McFarlane said: “Within the Board there was unanimous agreement to support a report noting the very important role that Galloway Community Hospital has to play serving the people of Wigtownshire.

“At the same time, it was important to request plans for how we’re working to achieve ambitions for the hospital and the services it provides to the community.”

The report to the IJB came from its Transformation, Innovation and Futures sub-committee, which had previously been presented with an outline proposal to review services at Galloway Community Hospital in order to ensure their sustainability.

However, the sub-committee had noted the progress which has been made around stabilising the workforce within Galloway Community Hospital.

Its report said, ‘The committee agreed that, based on the update received, it was not necessary to proceed with the previously proposed review of services on the site’.

Instead, the report recommended that the IJB should issue a direction for the NHS to bring forward plans for provision of services within the available budget.

Desired outcomes included working within budget, reducing medical locum, nurse agency and AHP agency use, reducing length of stay in hospital, increasing morning and weekend discharge rates, and increasing the use of the hospital’s theatre.

Mr McFarlane said: “A proposal earlier in the year that a long-planned review of Galloway Community Hospital go ahead came at the same time as new information on the NHS’s very challenging financial position. This led to some public concern about plans for the facility, which was perhaps understandable but without foundation.

“The commitment to Galloway Community Hospital has been clear throughout. Following the improvement seen in staffing, the decisions taken on objectives for the hospital should make it clear that the IJB sees it playing a very important role within Wigtownshire for years to come.”