Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care


The Consultant Clinical Psychologist carries out neuropsychological assessments for adults under the age of 65.

Generally, people over the age of 65 who require neuropsychological assessment are seen by clinical psychology colleagues in the Older Adult team.

What We Do

Neuropsychology assessments are designed to determine whether a person has problems with aspects of thinking such as memory.  Memory assessment is the most common reason for referral.


Appointments last around an hour and a half.  You will be asked to give a brief history of your problems and to complete some tests.  Testing maybe completed over more than one appointment.  The results of the tests can show:

  • whether there is a problem
  • if so, how severe the problem is
  • and may help doctors to make a diagnosis


It takes some time to score up the tests, so it is not always possible to give an indication of a person’s performance at the end of the appointment.  However, you will be invited back for a feedback appointment.  A technical report is sent to the referrer and GP, and a summary report to the patient.

Referral Information

To access the neuropsychology service you will need a referral from neurology or nurse specialist. 

Common reasons for referral are:

  • worries about a deterioration in memory
  • cognitive (thinking) problems associated with neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurons Disease
  • assessment following a brain injury

Contact us

Dr Ruth Burrell 
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Department of Psychological Services & Research
Ground Floor East
Mountainhall Treatment Centre
Bankend Road

Tel. 01387 244495,

Open Monday to Friday, 8.30am-5pm, for enquiries.