What We Do
Neuropsychology assessments are designed to determine whether a person has problems with aspects of thinking such as memory. Memory assessment is the most common reason for referral.
Appointments last around an hour and a half. You will be asked to give a brief history of your problems and to complete some tests. Testing maybe completed over more than one appointment. The results of the tests can show:
- whether there is a problem
- if so, how severe the problem is
- and may help doctors to make a diagnosis
It takes some time to score up the tests, so it is not always possible to give an indication of a person’s performance at the end of the appointment. However, you will be invited back for a feedback appointment. A technical report is sent to the referrer and GP, and a summary report to the patient.
Referral Information
To access the neuropsychology service you will need a referral from neurology or nurse specialist.
Common reasons for referral are:
- worries about a deterioration in memory
- cognitive (thinking) problems associated with neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurons Disease
- assessment following a brain injury
Contact us
Dr Ruth Burrell
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Department of Psychological Services & Research
Ground Floor East
Mountainhall Treatment Centre
Bankend Road
Tel. 01387 244495,
Open Monday to Friday, 8.30am-5pm, for enquiries.