Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care

Quit Your Way Service

The Quit Your Way Service offers smokers throughout Dumfries and Galloway help in stopping smoking.

Call 01556 505 713, text 07736 955 211 or email dg.quityourway@nhs.scot

Stop Smoking Support

Both Quit Your Way Service & all Community Pharmacies in Dumfries and Galloway provide support to help you in stopping smoking. Throughout your attempt to stop smoking you will receive:
  • Encouragement & support
  • A service tailored for your individual needs
  • Free stop smoking medication
  • Face-to-face or group support
  • Telephone or video consultations
  • A non-judgmental and person centred approach
  • Information about smoking, tobacco & nicotine addiction
  • Follow ups for up to one year after your first appointment
  • Monitoring carbon monoxide levels in your body

Contact & Latest News


Key stakeholders in tobacco and health in Scotland have agreed for the first time that using e-cigarettes is definitely less harmful than smoking tobacco. Based on the current evidence, the consensus is also clear that using e-cigarettes while still smoking (dual use) does not provide health benefits.

NHS Health Scotland led the consensus with over 20 partners in the NHS, Scottish Government, third sector and academia. Its aim is to clarify any confusion around the harms and benefits of using e-cigarettes.

Dr Andrew Fraser, Director of Public Health Science at NHS Health Scotland said:

“Recent research has shown an emerging perception among the general public that e-cigarettes are just as harmful to health as tobacco is. This is a not the case – we know from current evidence that vaping carries less risk than smoking tobacco. So it would be a good thing if smokers used e-cigarettes instead of smoking tobacco.

“To be absolutely clear, e-cigarettes are useful for public health and health service purposes only as a potential route towards stopping smoking completely. Access to e-cigarettes needs to be controlled carefully; they are not products for children or non-smokers.”

Linda Bauld, Professor of Health Policy (University of Stirling) and CRUK BUPA Chair in Behavioural Research for Cancer Prevention:

“It is good to see NHS Health Scotland and partners making it clear that e-cigarettes are less harmful than tobacco.

“We also need to get the point across to people that, based on what we know to date, that dual use (using e-cigarettes without stopping smoking) is still bad for your health. So we would strongly encourage anyone who is using both to stop smoking tobacco as soon as they can.”

Sheila Duffy, Chief Executive of ASH Scotland said:

“This statement brings some clarity to an issue which has caused confusion. There is now agreement that vaping e-cigarettes carries less risk than smoking tobacco.
“Although we still don’t know the long-term health effects of vaping, we can be confident that any smoker switching entirely to e-cigarettes will be taking in far fewer cancer-causing chemicals. Tobacco is lethal and I’d encourage anyone who smokes to find a way of quitting that works for them, which could include using e-cigarettes, and to make use of the free NHS stop-smoking support available to help.”

For support to Stop Smoking or Stop Vaping contact the Quit Your Way Service on:
Call 01556 505 713, Text 07736 955 211 or email dg.quityourway@nhs.scot

Smoking in Pregnancy

The Quit Your Way Service works closely with the NHS Dumfries and Galloway Midwifery Service and has developed an opt-out referral system for all pregnant women in Dumfries and Galloway.

  • Anyone who is pregnant and is a smoker will automatically be referred on to the Quit Your Way Maternity Programme by the patients midwife.
  • One of our specialist advisors will then try and contact the patient to see if they would like to go ahead with a quit attempt.
  • Our advisors are very understanding and after discussing the effects of smoking during pregnancy, the mum-to-be will learn of the benefits of stopping smoking for both mum and baby, and of the support that is available to her if she would like to enter on to the programme and have a quit attempt.
  • The decision of whether to go ahead with a stop smoking attempt or to opt-out of the Quit Your Way Maternity Programme is left entirely to the patient.

What can happen if I continue to smoke when pregnant?

An expectant mother who smokes passes nicotine and carbon monoxide to the foetus via her bloodstream which means that basically the unborn child becomes a passive smoker and the oxygen reaching the baby is cut down.

Smoking during pregnancy has been linked to:

  • Miscarriage
  • Bleeding
  • Stillbirth
  • Low birth weight
  • Cot death
  • Premature birth
  • Poor foetus growth
  • Early breathing problems
  • Vulnerability to infection/disease

The health of a pregnant smoker and the baby can be improved by stopping smoking and other people should be discouraged from smoking in the company of a pregnant woman. By stopping smoking the benefits to the baby’s health take effect immediately. Ideally a smoker should give up before they become pregnant but it is never too late – even in the latter stages of pregnancy the birthing process can benefit from stopping smoking. Often women just ‘go off’ cigarettes when they are having a baby but for some it is a choice that has to be made and stopping will be more achievable if you opt-in to the programme. Stopping smoking will improve your fitness and health and so make it easier for you to ‘carry’ the baby and to cope better with the actual birth.

Many women go back to smoking after their baby is born but you can find support and help so that you don’t go back as you will already be feeling the benefits of having not smoked for some time. Always remember smoking around babies and young children can cause health problems through passive or second hand smoking so it is always best to try and continue not smoking for the sake of your own health and that of your family.

What does smoking do to my baby?

  • Babies born to smokers are twice as likely to suffer from bronchitis and/pneumonia in their early part of life.
  • They can suffer breathing disorders, coughing, phlegm and wheezing.
    Severity of asthma.
  • Could be responsible for up to 25% of cot deaths.
  • Associated with decreased physical and poor intellectual development.
  • Always remember that during pregnancy babies are depending on mum to provide the best possible conditions for growth and once born, babies and children rely on parents and carers to provide a safe environment.

Tried before and haven’t succeeded?

Don’t worry if you have difficulty in stopping smoking. We understand that its very hard to do and the pressures of pregnancy can make it even harder. You can have as many quit attempts as you need to reach your goal of stopping and we will support you in every way possible. Your midwife will give you the opportunity to enter the programme at every appointment and you can contact Quit Your Way direct on 0845 602 6861 to arrange appointment to meet with a specialist advisor.

Your Quit Journey

Thinking of stopping smoking?

If you are thinking about stopping smoking the best thing to do is to make a plan of how you are going to do it. Think about:

  • Have you ever tried before?
  • If you have then what helped, what could you do differently this time?
  • If you haven’t tried before then think about what support is available to you.

REMEMBER you are 4 times more likely to have a long term successful quit if you use a specialist stop smoking service than if you go it using willpower alone.

The Quit Your Way Service will help you to plan your quit attempt to suit your needs and to prepare you for a long term successful quit.

Taking action to stop smoking, and stick to it.

If you are using the Quit Your Way Service then we will help you to do this and discuss what things you need to think about such as:

  • What product will be best for you
  • How to cope with cravings
  • How to deal with difficult situations
  • How to deal with emotional situations

If you find that things aren’t going according to plan then we will help you to adapt. We are always available at the other end of the phone and we will help you to adapt your plan to help you through difficult times.

REMEMBER having the support of a specialist smoking cessation advisor will make your quit attempt much easier than going it alone.

Staying Stopped

Sometimes the quit seems to get even more difficult as time passes. The first few weeks have seemed relatively easy and then suddenly the craving to smoke becomes worse than ever. This can be pretty normal but it is a dangerous time for relapse.

Having support from a specialist smoking cessation advisor will help you to:

  • Remain motivated
  • Focus on the positive aspects of stopping smoking
  • Ensure you have the appropriate product to help with the cravings
  • Work through this difficult phase and help you to succeed with long term abstinence

 Relapse – Smoking Again

If your quit attempt has broken down and you’ve started smoking again then this is not a sign that you cannot stop. This is a pretty normal phase in the cycle of stopping smoking. Most people take a few attempts before they manage to stop for good, some people take many attempts.

It is important that you use your experience from all your previous quit attempts to make your next quit attempt even more successful.

At The Quit Your Way Service we will welcome you back and our specialist smoking cessation advisors will help you to focus on the positive aspects of previous quit attempts and to see that relapse can be used to make your next attempt even more successful.

The most important thing is that you work on your motivation and be ready and prepared to start again with your next stop smoking plan.

Frequent Asked Questions

The Quit Your Way Service offers smokers throughout Dumfries and Galloway help in stopping smoking.

An appointment will be arranged for you to speak with one of our advisors who will provide you with advice and support to help you achieve your goal to stop smoking. You can also meet with one of our advisors in a Health Care Setting.

You will speak with your advisor fortnightly over a period of 3 months. We aim to provide a flexible service by offering you support on a day/time that suits you best.

We can provide a course of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) in various forms such as patch, gum, oral spray, lozenge etc.  Based on suitability we can also recommend the use of Champix or Zyban. 

Yes. When you first speak to your advisor there will be no expectation for you to stop smoking there and then. Our advisors will give you information on stopping smoking and can provide you with leaflets. If you feel you would like to set a quit date then a further appointment can be arranged.

Yes. Many smokers take more than one attempt before they are successful in the long term and we will happily support you again.

Yes. The Quit Your Way Service have a service called Born 2 Quit.  Quit Your Way work closely with the Midwifery Team to ensure that all pregnant women who are smokers are contacted by a specialist stop smoking advisor in order to discuss their smoking behaviour.

Yes. You can speak with one of our advisors over the phone, or we can arrange to see you in school.

All clients who refer in to the service are asked for a contact number and whether we can leave a message or not. If your parents do not know then we will make all contact via text or e-mail, whichever you would prefer.

The Quit Your Way Service is confidential and your personal information is protected under the Data Protection Act 1998.

The admin team in Quit Your Way will contact your GP if you decide to use Champix or Zyban medication. Any referrals that we receive from your GP will receive a form at the end of your quit, to let them know how you got on.

You will be contacted by the admin team as soon as possible and we aim for your appointment to be within 2 weeks.

We have an advisor who attends Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary, Mountainhall Treatment Centre, Midpark Hospital and Galloway Community Hospital. If you are an inpatient who smokes, a staff member will speak to you, or you can directly ask a member of staff if you can be referred to us.

Useful Links and Leaflets

Can Stop Smoking  – NHS Inform offers help and support to smokers who want to quit

NHS Smoke Free – an NHS stop smoking site for quitters.

ASH Scotland – Tobacco and smoking fact sheets, statistics, news, projects, policies, resources

Gasp – A resource based website for purchasing materials.

British Heart Foundation – Provides support to quitters and for professionals.

Choices for Life – a website giving useful information about life choices for young people.

Smokeline –  0800 84 84 84 open daily 8am – 10pm

Our Team

Office Base:
Gardenhill Primary Care Centre
Castle Douglas

Stop Smoking Advisors (Community)
June Ferries
Linda Ward
Alison Wellburn

Stop Smoking Advisor (Acute & Mental Health)
Laura Smithers

Tobacco Control Practitioner
Jackie McClurg  

Tobacco Control Practitioner (Young People)
Rebecca Kirkpatrick

Service Manager
Abbie Robertson

Administrative Assistant
Jenna Dovaston

Second Hand Smoke

What is Second Hand Smoke?

Second Hand Smoke is smoke that is breathed in from other people’s tobacco smoke. It is caused by smoke that is blown out when someone is smoking or it comes from the tip of a cigarette that has been left to burn.

There are over 4000 chemicals in every cigarette. Many poisonous substances can stay in a room or car for months after the cigarette has been stubbed out.

Second Hand Smoke will:

  • Quickly spread to other rooms in your house even if a window is open
  • Stick to clothes, walls, furniture, carpets and toys
  • Increase the risks of health problems for your family, friends and pets

What are the dangers to children?

We all want the best for our children so make sure you protect them from the effects of Second Hand Smoke.

Children and babies who live in homes where people smoke have greater chance of:

  • Becoming ill with coughs and ear infections
  • Suffering from on-going chest problems such as wheezing, asthma and bronchitis
  • Dying from cot death (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome – SIDS)

FACT – Each year in Britain 9,500 are admitted to hospital because of the effects of second-hand smoke

FACT – Children are more at risk because their lungs are still growing and their immune system is still developing

What can I do to keep my family safe from second hand smoke?

Make your home a smoke free home and ask friends and family to smoke outside

FACT – Children learn habits from the people closest to them. If they live with someone who smokes they are 3 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO SMOKE themselves when they grow up.

Smoking Myths

  • Once smoke has visibly cleared from the room, the danger from second-hand smoke has gone

  • Opening windows and doors, or restricting smoking to one room will get rid of second-hand smoke