Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care

Radiology Department

The Radiology Department provides a comprehensive diagnostic X-ray / Imaging Service across the Dumfries and Galloway region.

The Services

The services at Dumfries and Stranraer provide emergency cover 24 hours/7 days, 365 days/year.

The range of services provided depending on location, includes: 
General radiography 
Theatre radiography/fluoroscopy 
Mobile radiography on wards/resuscitation 
Dental radiography 
Computerised Tomography (CT) 
DEXA scanning 
Ultrasound scanning 
Cardiac angiography 
Interventional fluoroscopy 
MRI – Magnetic resonance imaging


The X-ray/Imaging Service is provided by a multi-disciplinary team made up of:

  • Radiology Nurses
  • Administrative and Clerical staff
  • X-ray Helpers
  • Porters
  • Radiographers
  • Radiologists

Quality Assurance

The Radiology/Imaging Department is obliged by law to adhere to the latest Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations – IR(ME)R. Departmental Policies and Procedures have been reviewed and, where necessary, redesigned to comply with this Legislation.

The Department has been audited by the Scottish Executive/Department of Health to confirm compliance. Embedded in the above are the “Guidelines for Doctors” produced by the Royal College of Radiologists. 
Each examination has a written protocol. Any area in which role extension has already been introduced has an accompanying scheme of work. 

Evidence based practice 
The protocols alluded to above are modified from time to time depending on up to date evidence from the Literature or from the Colleges. There are many recent examples of modification of practice. 

Processes of care

Access to Department facilities is readily available.

GP referred patients have open access at Galloway Community Hospital (Stranraer) and at Dumfries. There a few constraints with respect to timing, but essentially patients can be x-rayed same day or next day.

Referrals requiring preparation are examined at the earliest opportunity. The average waiting time for specialised examinations is around the 4-week mark, ranging from two weeks to eight weeks.

Emergency cases are dealt with immediately.

General radiography, fluoroscopy (in the Department and in Theatre), are available on a 24hour, 7 day/week basis via the Duty Radiographer. There is also an on-call service for CT. A Radiologist is on-call for CT, certain interventional techniques, and ultrasound


X-Ray Department  – Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary 

Telephone: 01387  241435

X-Ray Department – Galloway Community Hospital
Telephone: 01776 707707