Staff and Partners
What support can the SAM team offer?
The SAM team has been formed to help to ensure that the projects that have been identified are taken forward and implemented at pace. The team will:
- look to identify evidenced-based priorities and opportunities for modernisation
- support project leads to create documentation to enable the management and timeous reporting of their project
- provide knowledge of ongoing work from across the partnership and beyond to create synergies between projects
- support project leads to identify, measure and promote the benefits of their project
- provide a mechanism for all partnership staff to identify areas for modernisation through the idea proposal process
All partners and staff have a responsibility to ensure that our services are delivered in a safe and sustainable manner under the current structures. However, if you have an idea for change which will; improve safety, improve a process, improve efficiency/ productivity, improve people/carer experience, support staff and/or save money; then you can complete the idea proposal form referenced below to support the exploration of the idea and its feasibility.
The more information and insight that you can provide in support of your idea will be helpful to ensure a full assessment of your idea can be made and that it is directed to those best placed to oversee it.
To contribute an idea you should complete an idea proposal form which can be found
Once an idea proposal form has been received this will be reviewed by the appropriate group within the partnership to decide if the idea should progress, when and how. Once a decision has been made you will receive an update to confirm the next steps.