Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care

Wigtownshire Maternity Services Review

This engagement programme has now ended. You can click here to read the report of the independent maternity services review online. Or click here to learn about the consultation on the two preferred options which the review identified.

An expanded programme of engagement has now begun around the review of maternity services in the west of Dumfries and Galloway.

An online survey, drop-in sessions, bookable sessions and virtual engagement sessions will be joined by pop-up stalls in the heart of the communities, as work takes place to look at developing a future model for maternity services.

The two independent chairs of the review are NHS Ayrshire and Arran Medical Director Crawford McGuffie, and NHS Ayrshire and Arran Executive Nurse Director Jennifer Wilson.

They are supported by a midwifery expert, Angela Cunningham, a retired Associate Director for Women’s and Children’s services, who continues to have an active role in Maternity Services in Scotland.

For background information about maternity services in the region, click here to read our briefing.

Anyone in the region is welcome to make their views heard at one of the in-person engagement events. The drop-in events are open to everyone, with no appointment needed. If you would prefer a more detailed one-to-one discussion, please email dg.maternityservices-comms@nhs.scot to book a time slot at one of the bookable events.

Drop-in: Stranraer Library, Stranraer, 10.30 am to 1 pm, March 7 2023.

Drop-in: McMillan Hall, Newton Stewart, 10.30 am to 1 pm, March 14 2023.

Bookable 1-1: McMillan Hall, Newton Stewart, 1 pm to 3 pm, March 14 2023.

Bookable 1-1: Millennium Centre, Stranraer, 10 am to 2 pm, March 28 2023.

Or you can stop for a chat at one of our pop-up stalls:

Machars Action, Wigtown High Street, 12.30pm to 3pm, March 17 2023.

Ryan Centre, Stranraer, 12 pm to 4 pm, March 22 2023.

If you’re unable to attend any of the in-person events, you can join the online meeting on Microsoft Teams on March 22 2023 from 9 am to 4 pm. Anyone interested in participating should email dg.maternityservices-comms@nhs.scot and ask for an invitation.

There are other ways to make your views known. You can visit https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/maternity2023 to complete our online survey. Or you can email dg.maternityservices-comms@nhs.scot or write to: Communications Team, DGRI, A75, Cargenbridge, DG2 8RX. And you can use the Contact-BSL service to get in touch with us as well.