Independent Sector
The independent social care sector delivers a variety of services including residential care, nursing care, care at home and housing support services. These services are delivered by private, not for profit and charitable organisations.
Job opportunities are usually found via Indeed and vary from clinical support workers to admin and estates staff. Entry level roles often do not need qualifications and each organisation are committed to delivering training that can lead to SSSC registration and qualifications in health and care.
Each of our independent partners is unique to work for and offer different benefits from location, salary, working hours, training and development opportunities. Why not click on the links below and find out more about which company is right for you.

Care at home
Care at home services also known as home care, home help or home support – is care provided in the service users own home allowing them to keep their independence. The type of work involved could be
- general cleaning
- heavy housework
- gardening
- personal care
- shopping
- meals on wheels or frozen meals delivery
- collecting pensions and prescriptions
- paying bills
- laundry, like washing and ironing in your home or a laundrette
- equipment and adaptions, like telehealthcare and home improvements
- reablement – this is short term support usually lasting up to 6 weeks helping the individual to live independently at home after leaving hospital
Day Care
Day care provides individuals with usually complex physical and social need, specialised care packages and is usually provided in a day care centre. As part of a trained team you could be helping individuals to learn or re-learn skills as part of a rehabilitation programme (for example, following a stroke) or help you learn to cope with a new disability.
Some day care centres are specially designed for people with dementia, or with visual or hearing impairment.
Types of work involved:
- personal care to meet the individual’s needs
- skills to promote independence
- organising or supporting in a range of activities to keep the mind and body active
- preparing and issuing meals
Care Home
A care home is where people live and have their care needs met in homely surroundings. They can also be called:
- residential care
- residential care homes
- nursing homes
- retirement homes
They are usually for people needing more care than they could get in their own home or in supported housing. Individuals needs may very from complex disabilities to elderly care.
In care homes, the types of work you could be doing is
- Personal care such as morning or evening routines
- preparing or supporting individuals at meal times
- supporting in administering medicines
- basic healthcare duties such as wound dressings, observations
- supporting in social activities