Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care

Drug and Alcohol Use
information for Young People

Problematic Drug and Alcohol Use

Drug or alcohol use can be problematic when substances are taken in amounts or in ways that are harmful to the individual, or to others around them. ISSU18 supports young people who are struggling with drug or alcohol use of their own, or that of a family member.

How might this affect me?

What can I do to help myself?

Talk to someone you can trust and try to be honest about how substances are impacting on your life. There is help available to you and your family.

There are also many online self help resources available including: 

Talk To Talk

Advice for the families of people who use drugs – NHS

Mind – Drug and alcohol addiction 

When might a referral be appropriate?

A referral is appropriate if you are worried about your level of drug or alcohol use, or if someone else is concerned about you. It would also be appropriate if you have come to harm because of drinking or taking drugs whether you meant to do this, or not.

A referral is also appropriate where you, yourself may not take drugs or drink alcohol, butnyou are having difficulties because of a family members substance use.

What can I expect?

Following referral, you will likely be contacted by a member of the ISSU18 team.

The purpose of this call will be to have a brief conversation and if appropriate, an appointment will be arranged with you for full initial assessment.

This will be a more in depth discussion with you to try and understand your difficulties and how it is impacting on your life. We will work with you to try and understand why things might have got to this point.

Following this, we will work with you to create a plan to help you reduce and/or stop.

We know this may be frightening or difficult for you but we are here to help and wont judge you or your family.


Websites / Support Information

Cocaine Anonymous UK 0800 612 0225. Help and support for anyone who wants to stop using cocaine.

FRANK 0300 123 6600 Confidential advice and information about drugs, their effects and the law.

Marijuana Anonymous 0300 124 0373 Help for anyone worried about cannabis use.

Narcotics Anonymous 0300 999 1212 Support for anyone who wants to stop using drugs.

Mind – Drug and alcohol addiction 

Barnardo’s Helping Families Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Drug and Alcohol Use
information for Parents and Carers

How do I know if my child has a problematic drug and alcohol misuse?

How might this affect them?

When might a referral be appropriate?

If you are worried about your childs drug or alcohol use, or if they have come to harm due to substance use, then a referral may be appropriate.

If you think your child is struggling with feelings or emotions that are due to someone else’s substance use, then a referral may also be appropriate

If your child is over 12 or the referral relates to their own substance use, then your child’s consent must be gained prior to placing a referral.

What can I expect?

Once the referral has been received, a member of the ISSU18 team will be in contact to arrange an initial assessment appointment with you all.

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