Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care

What Happens Next After Your Referral?

Once we receive your referral, you will then be invited to contact the service to arrange an initial discussion appointment with a CAMHs clinician. 

At this appointment you and the clinician will have a discussion and assured agreement of what the next steps will be. This could include; a Mental Health Assessment or signposting to a more appropriate service.

It might be useful to have a look at the Young People or the Parents/Carers section’s within this website.

If you feel that things are becoming more difficult or more urgent whilst you are waiting for your appointment, please contact CAMHS on (01387) 244662. 

Your First Appointment

We’re having a mental health assessment appointment because you or someone close to you has noticed that something’s been a bit difficult. At your appointment with CAMHS, we want you to be fully involved in the conversations and decisions. So think about what you hope to get out of your CAMHS appointment.

Your first appointment is an opportunity for CAMHS to meet with you to gather more information on what help and support best suits you.  This appointment is usually with one of our Primary Mental Health Workers. This appointment is about you and no one knows you better than you do! What Matters to you?

If you are over 12 years old, we will ask you, if you would like your parent/carer to be with you in your appointments. We will meet with you and/or your family, we will listen and talk about your worries and difficulties. 

Things you might be asked?

Before you come along to your appointment you might what to think about or note down any questions you would like to ask us?

After speaking with you and /or your family it might be more appropriate for you to get help from another service and advice will be given or referrals made, where possible.

By the end of your appointment, a plan will be in place which has been agreed in partnership with the you and your family as to what the next steps should be. 

What's Happens Next?

If the difficulties, you describe are something we can help with then we will see you again.

We will then provide therapeutic interventions with you and together will agree a plan including ‘What Matters to You’ and their own personal goals. 

This could be brief or longer term, depending on what you are accessing CAMHS for and what difficulties you need help with.

What will CAMHS expect from me?

Whoever you meet throughout your journey, they will want you to try and talk about what you are struggling with and what help you are looking for. You might want a Parent or Carer or a trusted adult to attend your appointment with you.

You will need to be willing and committed to attending sessions that are offered, as well as trying and practising techniques until you find what works well for you. You will need to be prepared to work with us in this way so that you have the best chance of achieving your goals/recovery.

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