Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care

Draft Housing with Care and Support Strategy

Housing with Care and Support Strategy

Housing with care and support enables people to live independently but with the personal care and support they need when they need it. Personal care is offered to people who are unable to provide it for themselves. This may include help with personal hygiene, toileting, dressing and bathing.

This draft strategy is for adults who require housing with care and support who are residents of Dumfries and Galloway.

The IJB recognises that housing is an important factor in the health and wellbeing of people and in reducing health inequalities. This is particularly true for vulnerable people such as older people and people with disabilities.

Given the demographic, financial and workforce challenges highlighted in section 3 of this strategy, we need to ensure that our model for housing with care and support is sustainable and meets the needs of the people of Dumfries and Galloway.

The purpose of developing a strategy for housing with care and support is to develop a vision for housing with care and support, provide a high level framework that supports service planning, ensure alignment of planning housing care and support with other relevant national and local strategies, support the development of housing with care and support to offer greater choice for people with regard to location, accommodation type, tenure, affordability and support arrangements
and ensure that service planning takes into account people’s views, and what matters to them.

We are seeking views on the strategy before 31 January 2020.

Please take the time to review this draft strategy and send your views to Housing with Care and Support Lead Julie Morley before that closing date to julie.morley@dumgal.gov.uk