Visit the ADP website

About the ADP
Dumfries and Galloway Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) is a body made up of representatives from a wide range of partners across the region. This includes input from Health, Social Work, Housing, Police, Procurator Fiscal Service and the Voluntary sector.
The ADP is responsible for planning and joining up the various initiatives across the region to tackle alcohol and drugs misuse, and to try to prevent it becoming a problem for people. Examples of ongoing work include specialist services, community initiatives, raising awareness of local issues, prevention education programmes in schools, to treatment options and supporting families and those with substance problems towards recovery, healthy lifestyles and employment.
Don’t Take Drugs Alone
Taking drugs on your own is not a wise idea.
Most fatal overdoses take place when people are taking drugs on their own, behind closed doors. Taking drugs alone increases the chances of a fatal overdose, because there is no one else there to call for help. This is why it’s really important to have a trusted person there who can call emergency services for help if it’s needed.
Having someone you can trust with you in the room is really important when using opioids. It means there is someone there who can call for an ambulance. However, they might also be able to give you naloxone, which can be used in emergencies to help reverse the effects of opioids.
To find out where you can get naloxone, please click this link:
Don’t Mix Drugs
Taking a mixture of different drugs in a single session can be very dangerous.
People will often take one drug, and then take another to ‘top up’ or come down. Sometimes they will replace the drug they are taking with another drug.
However, this drug mixing can create unexpected, unwanted and unpredictable effects on both your physical and mental health. Taking opioids like heroin and methadone and depressants like benzodiazepines and alcohol in combination is very risky.
Please don’t take drugs that aren’t prescribed to you, or that have been bought online. You won’t know what they contain or the harm that they can cause you.
Drug use carries a risk of overdose in its own right.
When drugs are combined, this risk is very much increased.
Don’t Try New Substances
Everyone should be very cautious about the sources they buy drugs from, and the drugs they take. Please don’t be tempted to try new substances. Don’t take pills or powders unless you know what they are, as you don’t know what affect they will have.
‘Street benzos’ are a benzodiazepine-type tablet which may be known as blues, vallies, benzos, scoobies and diazepam.
Much of the diazepam sold at street level contains other benzodiazepines such as etizolam. Taking “street benzos” daily can have serious consequences to your physical and mental wellbeing and frequent use can lead to anxiety, depression and sleep problems. Etizolam is unpredictable, and is a leading cause for hospitalisation and deaths in the UK.
There are key actions that can reduce some dangers when injecting drugs.
Not sharing drugs or equipment with another person is very important. Sharing drugs/equipment can put you at risk of infection through blood-to-blood contact.
Sharing drugs/equipment puts you at a higher risk of HIV and other infections found in the blood like hepatitis C.
Sharing of needles and syringes can create a high risk of passing infection on to others. It’s important to remember that the equipment such as spoons, water, filters which are used when preparing drugs for injection can have traces of blood on them.
Top tips are:
- Wipe down any drug packaging, wraps or baggies with alcohol wipes as soon as possible after buying
- If preparing drugs, always prepare a clean surface, cleaned down with anti-bacterial spray or alcohol wipes. If it’s not possible, use something like clean kitchen roll and dispose of it afterwards
- Do not share any paraphernalia, including needles, water, spoons of equipment for injecting straws or equipment for snorting, pipes for smoking or dabbing in shared bags.
- New equipment greatly reduces the risk of ALL infections
- Clean your hands and the injecting site
- Alternate your injecting site (rotate sites)
- Use sterile water
- Maintain skin health
- Dispose of equipment safely
It is important to dispose of used needles carefully. The best place is a proper sharps bin, which you can get from your local needle exchange and some chemists. For more information on needle exchange in Dumfries and Galloway contact:
NHS Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service
Lochfield Road Primary Care Centre,
12 Lochfield Road,
01387 244555
We Are With You
79 Buccleuch Street
0800 035 0793
If you believe someone is having an overdose, or if you feel unwell after taking any drug, dial 999 immediately.
If you can correctly identify the physical signs and symptoms of an overdose, there is a chance you will be able to save a life. It is important to remember that the time gap between using drugs and slipping into an overdose can be several hours.
Some of these symptoms include:
- Pinpoint pupils (this indicates whether opioids are involved).
- Breathing problems (e.g. slow/shallow or infrequent breaths, snoring/rasping sounds or not breathing at all).
- Pale skin colour. Lips, tip of nose, fingertips or nails with a bluish tinge.
- No response to noise (shouting) or touch (shoulder shake).
- Loss of consciousness
What you can do:
- Be vigilant and think of your own safety first. Watch out for needles that might be around the casualty. Never attempt to re-cap a needle.
- Check the casualty for a response – shake their shoulders and shout loudly ‘open your eyes’ or ‘wake up’.
- If there is no response, shout for help from anyone that is around.
- Turn the casualty on their back and open their airway by gently placing two fingers under their chin and tilting their head back.
- Place your ear above the casualty’s mouth and LISTEN for breathing, FEEL for breath on your cheek. Also LOOK at their chest to see if it rises and falls. Do this for 10 seconds.
If the person is breathing, place them in the recovery position. Dial 999 and calmly ask for an ambulance. Give the location and status of the casualty, i.e. the address and that the casualty is unconscious and breathing. Stay with the person until the ambulance arrives.
If the person is not breathing, dial 999 and calmly ask for an ambulance. Give the location and status of the casualty – i.e. the address and that the casualty is unconscious and NOT breathing. Begin CPR. If you don’t know CPR, the emergency call handler can talk you through this process.
Click this link to learn:
- How to respond when someone is unconscious & unresponsive
- How to respond to suspected opioid overdose
- How to put someone into the recovery position
- How to perform CPR
- How to inject Prenoxad Injection (injectable naloxone)
Naloxone is the name of a medication which can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. The most commonly known opioids are heroin, methadone, buprenorphine, codeine, morphine, fentanyl and tramadol.
Opioids affect the part of your brain that instructs your lungs how to breathe. During an overdose, this signal is reduced and then eventually switched off. If used within a short period of time, naloxone can be a life saver by allowing you to breathe again.
Using naloxone allows time for someone to seek emergency help.
Naloxone kits can be supplied to drug users at risk of an opioid overdose and can be given to their family and friends to be used by them when someone has had an overdose.
If you have a naloxone kit, check it contains two needles by holding it up to a bright light. You should see two dark rectangular patches. Don’t open the kit to check it – the kit must remain sealed until use. For more information, see
Remember: naloxone kits save lives.
Organisations Issuing Naloxone Kits in D&G:
NHS Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service
Lochfield Road Primary Care Centre,
12 Lochfield Road,
01387 244555
We Are With You
79 Buccleuch Street
Dumfries and Galloway’s Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) are pleased to announce that the new referral pathway for residential rehabilitation has been established. Residential rehabilitation programmes aim to support individuals to attain an alcohol and drug-free lifestyle and be re-integrated into society.
To be considered for residential rehabilitation the individual must be in service with either the Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service, We Are With You or Justice Social Work. When in service, if the individual is assessed as eligible for residential rehabilitation support, the ADP may fund or partially fund their placement. The individual must go through the proper referral routes for their funding to be considered.
Eligibility Criteria:
- A resident of Dumfries and Galloway.
- Aged 18+ (16+ in exceptional circumstances).
- An individual who is assessed as being dependent on drug use which puts them at increased risk of harm/drug related death.
- Demonstrates a willingness to change and to see change as a personal responsibility.
- A commitment to engage in a structured and intense programme of preparatory work before detoxification followed by residential rehabilitation.
- A willingness and understanding of the need to continue to engage with services after returning to the community.
- Being motivated to achieving abstinence and being prepared to do so.
Please click the headings below to preview the documents:
Dumfries and Galloway Recovery Together are a local peer support recovery community in the Dumfriesshire area. Recovery Communities are networks of local people who have the same goal of working towards the journey of recovery through providing support to each other.
Recovery is a process of change through which people improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives and further develop their potential. Volunteering and training opportunities are available for you to get involved in developing Recovery Communities in Dumfries and Galloway.
Current groups in D&G:
- Annan
- Dumfries
- Castle Douglas
- Stranraer
- Newton Stewart
- Kirkconnel
For more information contact:
Local Services in Dumfries and Galloway
With Are With You is a charity providing free, confidential support to people experiencing issues with drugs or alcohol use.
We Are With you will work with you on your own goals – whether that’s cutting down your drug or alcohol use, stopping completely or just getting a bit of advice.
This service is for you if you’re:
- 16 or over
- living in Dumfries and Galloway
- worried about your own drug or alcohol use or someone else’s
Needle Exchange: If possible, pre-order by phone or via the online click and collect service. To place order online go to:
Collection or delivery available from both Dumfries and Stranraer offices.
Naloxone available.
Assessments and Interventions conducted via telephone or video calling. Staff can be contacted during normal working hours via phone or webchat.
79 Buccleuch Street, Dumfries, DG1 2AB
Tel: 01387 263208
32 Charlotte Street, Stranraer, DG9 7EF
Tel: 01776 705904
Monday – Friday: 9am – 9pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10am – 4pm
ADS offer a range of community-based services across Dumfries and Galloway, to help people affected by alcohol, drugs or gambling problems – their own, or someone else’s.
Their specialist, qualified, experienced Talking Therapists can offer a range of therapeutic approaches during their work with you. They work hard to offer a high quality of service to anyone in need of support with alcohol or drug issues, or who wishes to reduce their alcohol or drug use.
225 King Street, Castle Douglas, DG7 1DT
Tel: 01556 503550
79 Buccleuch Street, Dumfries, DG1 2AB
Tel: 01387 259999
32 Charlotte Street, Stranraer, DG9 7EF
Tel: 01776 70262
Working in partnership with Alcohol and Drug Support – South West Scotland and Addaction the NHS Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service offer comprehensive support to people aged 18 years and over who have a dependency or complex problems related to alcohol or drug use.
You will receive a full assessment of your physical, psychological and social needs, and have a plan of care tailored individually to your needs, drawn up and agreed by you and an identified member of the team who will be responsible for the management and evaluation of your care.
Examples of treatments available include:
- Detoxification
- Medication
- Psychological Interventions
- Occupational therapy
- Blood Borne Virus – counselling, testing and immunisation
- Assessment and referral to residential rehabilitation
Injecting equipment provision available. Appointments are via telephone where possible. Face-to-face appointments are available if appropriate.
Lochfield Road Primary Care Centre, Dumfries, DG2 9BH
Tel: 01387 244555/244550
Normal opening hours: 8:30am – 5pm
ISSU18 is a regionwide service for children and young people up to the age of 18 who are affected by problematic substance misuse. This can be either their own or that of a family member which is having a significant impact on the young person’s day-to-day life.
ISSU18 consists of mental health nurses and a consultant psychiatrist whom are employed by the NHS. ISSU18 believe in keeping knowledge base and skills as up to date as possible thus to give clients the best standard of care.
Normal opening hours: 8:30am – 5pm
Service Base(East)
The Willows, The Crichton, Dumfries, DG1 4TG
Tel: 01387 244622
Service Base (West)
ISSU18 – West, Waverly Medical Centre, Stranraer, DG9 7DW
Tel: 01776 707759
Being There are a free, confidential, non-judgmental service that will offer a listening ear when struggling with your loved one’s drug or alcohol use.
They can offer emotional support, help and practical advice when you need it most.
Being There can help the parent, sibling, grandparent, child [over 18], partner, best friend of someone struggling with alcohol or drugs problems.
Telephone: 0333 8806950
Who are FOCUS?
FOCUS are a part of the NHS Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service. The Hub is staffed by trained nurses, lived experience workers, outreach workers and administration staff.
Who is the service for?
The service is for people aged 18 years and over who are looking for support and advice on ways in which to deal with their drug and alcohol use and how to reduce its effects on their health and wellbeing.
Where are FOCUS based?
The FOCUS Wellness and Recovery Community Hub can be found at Shirley Road, Dumfries DG2 0ED Tel: 01387 244555
FOCUS can offer the following services
Medication, Naloxone training, Blood Borne Virus Testing, Harm Reduction Advice, Sexual Health Advice, STI Testing or Referral and Contraception, Mental and Physical Health Advice, Psychological Interventions including Mindfulness, Motivational Interviewing, One to One work, Access to Group Work, Preparation for and Support following Residential Rehab, Crafting Sessions.
Advice & sign posting will be provided to other agencies locally to meet your wider needs.
For more information please click here: FOCUS leaflet 2023
To find out more about the activities and clinics up and running at the club please click here: Hub Timetable
Getting Our Priorities Right
Reflective Practice: Checklist No 1.docx
Five Key GIRFEC Questions: Checklist No 2.docx
Early Observations of Children and Young People: Checklist No 3.docx
Early Observations of Parents and Carers: Checklist No 4.docx
Further Considerations for Children’s Services: Checklist No 5.docx
Further Considerations for Adult Services: Checklist No 6.docx
Information to be Considered as Part of a Multi-Agency Assessment (GOPR2): Checklist No 7.docx
Information to be Considered as Part of a Multi-Agency Assessment (GOPR2): Checklist No 8.docx
Information to be Considered as Part of a Multi-Agency Assessment (GOPR2): Checklist No 9.docx
Useful Links
The Scottish Drugs Forum is national resource of expertise on drug issues
Telephone 08080 10 10 11
The Helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
You can also contact the Helpline by emailing
Telephone UK/ROI:116123
Telephone: 0800 917 7650
Telephone 111
Telephone 0300 1236600
Text: 82111
- If you are in crisis and want urgent help phone 111.
- If someone’s life is at immediate risk, for example by serious injury or overdose, phone 999 or go to your nearest A&E.

Contact Us
ADP Support Team
2nd Floor East
Mountainhall Treatment Centre
T 01387 244351