What is a Home Team?
A Home Team is a team of multi-disciplinary professionals who work together to help you meet your needs and outcomes.
There are eight Home Teams in Dumfries and Galloway and there is one in your community and it is linked with your GP practice.
Home Teams encourages and supports you to lead an independent and healthy life and live at home. Family, friends, Carers and community services can be part of that support.
Home Teams bring together the existing workforce from within Community Health and Social Care, integrating Community Nursing, a range of Allied Health Professionals, Patient Flow, Reablement, Adult Social Work Services, Public Health Improvement and Business Support.

What are the benefits of Home Teams?
- People will only have to tell their story once
- People will be central to the planning and choices about their own support
- People will be able to access technology or digital solutions to support their independence
- A Home Team can support you to stay at home, preventing the need for you to go into hospital if you are well enough and safe to remain at home.
- A Home Team can support you to be discharged from hospital when you are well enough, and it is safe to do so. Any assessments will continue in the familiar environment of your own home. This allows staff to gather a much more accurate picture of what you need. The Home Team staff will discuss with you, your family, and Carers what ongoing support will look like and arrange that accordingly.

Referral to a Home Team
How would I be referred to a Home Team should I need that help and support?
- If you are an inpatient in any of the hospitals across the region you may be referred to a Home Team to support your discharge home.
- If your GP thinks that you may need help and support from a Home Team they can refer you (or they may advise you to make a self referral).
You can make a referral for yourself, a relative, neighbour, or anyone you know who you think may need help and support from a Home Team. If you need to make a referral for yourself or for someone you know telephone Single Access Point (SAP) on 030 33 33 3001.
A call handler will ask you for detailed information about you or the person you are calling about. The call advisor will send the referral to the Home Team.
All referrals to a Home Team require consent to share your information with professional disciplines within a Home Team.