Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care

All aboard the NHS Near Me Train!

Alight here all users and select the role that you have been registered for:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

NHS Near Me is the name for video consultations across Scotland and has been adopted here in Dumfries and Galloway.  NHS Attend Anywhere is the system that runs in the background and enables video consultations to take place.  In the future, if we stopped using Attend Anywhere and implemented another video calling system, the name NHS Near Me would still be used.

The only way to setup your username and password for NHS Near Me us by responding to the “Set up your video consulting password and sign-in for NHS Attend Anywhere” email that has been sent to you.  If you have not received an email please contact the TEC team to find out who the Service Administrator is for the waiting area you need to access so that you can contact them and they can then invite you to register.

If your device has been setup by IT Helpdesk or a member of the TEC team there should be an icon for NHS Near Me or NHS Attend Anywhere.

If you are not able to see this you can access NHS Near Me by opening Google Chrome (or Safari if using an iPad) and going to https://nhs.attendanywhere.com

If you are already registered to access NHS Near Me, just make a request to the Service that operate the waiting area you need to be added too.

If your current role for a waiting area needs to be updated (e.g. you need to be setup as a Service Administrator), an existing Service Administrator for the waiting area will be able to make changes to your user account.

We’re currently working on making things easier around sharing information for unscheduled care and will be in touch when this is ready.  In the meantime, contact the TEC Team stating the name of your waiting area if you need information on providing unscheduled care using NHS Near Me.

Training Packs available to support setting up and using NHS Near Me

All the above training materials and videos have been pulled together into training packs.  These training packs include further guidance from the National NHS Near Me team and the Scottish Government (where this has been developed), a video consultation checklist and links to online articles that may be of interest to services.

Acute Outpatients

Community Teams

Community Pharmacy

Primary Care (GPs)

AHP? Check this out ASAP!

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) have hosted a suite of Webinars with input from different AHP professions sharing how they’ve been learning to use NHS Near Me in various clinical settings.  These have been recorded and are available to listen to again – Click the link below to go to the recorded webinars and other useful information to support your skill development using these.

AHP Practice Education Community

Materials available to support service users

The majority of materials that support service users to learn more about and access NHS Near Me are found on the NHS Near Me page on the Health and Social Care Partnership website.  Materials available there include:

  • videos that explain what NHS Near Me is and how it is used
  • an explanation of what the user will need to have to be able to access an NHS Near Me appointment
  • the NHS Near Me DG Patient Information Sheet
  • an easy read guide to attending an NHS Near Me appointment
If you would like a copy of the easy read guide to attending an NHS Near Me with the link to your waiting area created specifically for your service please request one from the TEC team stating the name of the waiting area it is for.
https://www.nearme.scot/ is also available for people to find out more about NHS Near Me. This website has been created by the national NHS Near Me team and contains excellent general information about the system but nothing specific for Dumfries and Galloway.